Pulp Groups and Organizations

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Spies and Intelligence Agencies

Clubs in the Thirties

the French Laundry

British Foreign Office

the British Colonial Office

the American State Department

British Public Schools


Mystically-Aware Groups We Like Get Along With


the Coptic order of the Eternal Light

the Orthodox order of Defenders of Truth

the Anglican order of Saint Thomas
the Catholic Holy League 

the Zoroastrian order of the Khurramiyah

we've been told there are Muslim and Jewish ones, too

the Young Pioneers


Mystically Aware Groups We Don't Like


the Sect

the Red Dragon Society

Boulle Industries

the Nazis


Military Organizations


the Royal Navy's China Station

the RN East Indies Station

the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet

the French Navy in the Middle East and Indian Ocean

the Royal Canadian Navy

the Kriegsmarine in 1934

Italian military in Ethiopia

the Rifle Brigade

the Royal Tank Corps

the Royal Air Force, and the RAF in Afghanistan

from Wikipedia:  the 36th Division of the Chinese Army

Chinese armaments in the Thirties