I have had a dream, past the wit of man to say what dream it was

back to The Castle In The Dream Realms


   The days in the dream castle turn into weeks; and Our Heroes work at their studies. Kija's studies in Witchcraft will allow her to practice the modes of Illusion and Transform; and she learns a spell, "Kija's Safety From Demons". Aldak does indeed gain competence in both Scouting and Tactics; Vedan improves his ability to Dispel magics, and how to Sail and Pilot windships; both Vedan and Aldak learn the rudiments of the Sign language used by the sub-men of the Wilderlands.


   Strange visitors, odd events and rituals, and the ever-changing landscape beyond the castle walls keep the students from feeling bored.


   After about twenty weeks, Ceriefseran appears again, somewhat miffed at the time the adventurers are taking. It seems his masters pay for room, board, tuition etc. at the castle, and the rates (paid in demonhearts!) are amazingly high. With some persuasion, the heroes agree to help Ceriefseran and his crew acquire more demonhearts, specifically from some Night Demons. A short trip back to some unknown other world, and a few dangerous minutes in a dark cave, produces a bounty of demonhearts -- or at least enough to satisfy Ceriefseran for a few weeks.


   After spending what seems to be at least five months in the Dream castle, Our Heroes are asked to assist in the (latest) rescue of Bartlebrott, who went over the wall and thus beyond the protections provided by the castle.


on to The Week Of Nightmare