Pulp Magical Combat

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Casting spells takes time due to the need to focus internal or unnatural energies or both.  Casting spells takes 3 segments plus 1 segment per magic point being spent on the spell. If this spell preparation takes longer than a single round and continues into the next round, the character does not need to make a new statement of intent. Unless the spell is an attack, it will take effect 1 segment after it is ‘completed’ (the required segments of preparation have elapsed). Attack spells take effect immediately upon ‘completion’.


While casting a spell, if the character is hit for damage, he or she must succeed at an INT x 3% control roll to maintain sufficient concentration to continue the spell. For each point of damage taken (i.e. that passes armor and/or magical protections) subtract 5% from the control roll value.


A sorcerer that passes out as the consequences of shock, exhaustion, damage received or a lack of magic points, becomes " incapacitated", and is no longer able to keep control of his or her spells. All active spells drop immediately. This is not true with Spirit/Divine spells, since they are temporal rather than actively maintained. Unless the spell is an attack, it will take effect 1 segment after it is completed. Attack spells take effect immediately.