Pulp Secret Archive

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While excavating for the foundations of Lenin's mausoleum, in 1928, a network of secret tunnels were discovered. While other tunnels had been known to exist beneath the Kremlin, these had apparently been sealed up since the 16th Century. The new tunnels have some connections to newer networks, and to the underground Neglinnaya River. 


One of the chambers which the tunnels led to was the "Lost Library of Ivan the Terrible." If there's any supernatural hoodoo or esoteric lore to be found here, Stalin no doubt is aware of it. The OGPU is responsible for the security of the archive. The tunnels and archive existed (at least in part) long before the reign of Ivan, but apparently were sealed during (or at the end of) his life.



 -- see "Secrets of the Kremlin" in Glozel Est Authentique, by E.S. Erkes (pub. Theatre of the Mind Enterprises, 1984)