SpaceHero Space Travel

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Interstellar Travel


The categories of faster-than-light space-drives include:



Overdrive or Hyperdrive

Phase drive or Vortex drive



Ship Types


Imperial/Galactic Core:  many of the Imperials fly with bio-energetic powers; such ships as they do have appear as huge webs of glowing filaments, kilometers across, propelled by the combined efforts of the crew, or by vortex drives.


Sirian:  business-like, can be sleek and streamlined or no-nonsense, grubby and boxy. Powered by some form of nuclear plant, fitted with hyperdrives or overdrives, and with reation drive thrusters.



Bavany:  rough-built, jury-rigged tramp freighters, and patched-up military vessels, fitted with salvaged equipment. Equipped similarly to Sirian vessels.


Vrogan:  extremely varied, hard to give a common design. Their government ships tend to be somewhat fish-shaped, or (if not intended to land on planets) large dispersed structures. Propulsion, power, etc. similar to Sirian designs.


RimFed:  again a variety of civil types. Military vessels are bulbous, globular silvery shapes. Systems again are mostly similar to Sirian types, although a few hypershunt vessels have been seen in that part of space.


Centrality:  very strange, totally automated vessels. Some types transform or combine to alter themselves for the tactical situation. Equipped with at least dual overdrives, sometimes with strange power sources; and usually fitted with gravitic drives for operation on and around planets. They are meant to be controlled by Mech, who plug themselves into the machinery; thus there aren't a lot of displays, buttons, etc.



Glarrik:  dark, organic shapes, with sweeping spikes or barbs pointing aft. Equipped with various overdrives. Glarrik ships are a bit slow to get started -- usually at least 10 minutes -- and their controls are very alien.



Jackers:  a variety of ships -- modified commerical vessels, custom-built corsairs, old military ships, strange alien craft.